Over 10,000 people participated in the Palestinian National Culture Day Events - مركز مساواة لحقوق المواطنين العرب في اسرائيل

Over 10,000 people participated in the Palestinian National Culture Day Events

The Mossawa Center, in a joint effort with our partners, hosted over a dozen cultural events during March 2013 in celebration of Palestinian National Culture Day. Palestinian National Culture Day is celebrated on the 13th of March, in commemoration of the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, a symbol of Arab culture and resistance, who was born on that day.

One of the lead events was Nay Barghouti's Concert in Qalanswa. Nay Barghouti a Palestinian musical artist came all the way from Ramallah to Qalanswa to strenghten the Palestinian unity. The name of her performance is Moniaty [meaning my wish], the name refers to her wish of bringing back the roots of Palestinian music, and culture. In this special event, Nai performed with musicians who are members of the Arab minority of Israel, and together they created a Palestinian group spanning both sides of the Green Line. 

The collection if songs in Moniaty are inspired and based on lyrics developed from Mahmoud Darwish poems and other Palestinian poet figures, one of her lead songs is "Qana" a song dedicated to the martyrs of Qana massacre in Lebanon.

Areen Abdi, the Palestinian Culture Cetwork Coordinator stated, " For the second year in a row, the Palestinian National Culture Day joined  the Palestinian cultural arena, which includes the International Women's Day[8th of March], and the Land Day [30th of March]. In order to commemorate these events, we at the Mossawa Center hosted a cultural and creative revival from the Naqab to the Galilee." 


The Palestinian Culutre Month is part of a project coordinated by the Mossawa Center, and supported by the European Union.

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