For immediate release, March 3rd, 2013: The Mossawa Center is organizing an International Media training for a group of participants in the "Empowering the Periphery Project: Palestinian and Bedouin NSAs activated for Community Development".
On Friday 8th, and Saturday9th of March, the18 youth who were nominated for a series of trainings beginning with International Media and continuing on to International Advocacy and Marketing, will begin their journey. The participants include youth and women from the West Bank and Neqev and in a special event they will be joined by youth from Gaza through a video conference.
The training will include lectures and workshops given by specialists on the importance of the International Media, skills to working with the International Media, Social Media, and Social Networking.
Wafaa Zriek-Srour, coordinator of project states "The training that will take place this weekend in Ramallah, is part of the third and last series of trainings in this project. The objective of this training is to provide the women and youth with tools to improve the portrayal of their issues in the media, by learning how to write press releases and articles and how to cooperate with the local and international media." It is noteworthy that this economic empowerment project aims to develop human resources and economic capabilities in women and youth in the Negev and oPT. The project is supported by the European Union and is implemented in cooperation with Sidreh, Lakiya Women's Association, Filastiniyat, and the Heinrich B?ll Foundation.
The Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to promote equality for the Arab Palestinian citizens of Israel. Established in 1997, the Mossawa Center strives to improve the social, economic and political status of the Arab citizens of Israel, while preserving their national and cultural rights as Palestinians.