With over thirty-three murders so far this year, the Mossawa Center hosts a...
At the initiative of The Mossawa Center and in cooperation with the Friedrich...
With Arabs constituting a mere 3.23% of professors in Israeli higher education...
The Mossawa Center, in cooperation with five other human rights organizations,...
Residents of the Arab locality Kafr Qasim gathered on Monday night to protest...
Fourteen years after its original adoption, the Israeli Knesset is set to...
In a historical first move, the European Parliament responds to the demands of...
Mossawa Center Director Jafar Farah and MKs Ahmad Tibi and Osama Saadi will...
Palestinian citizens in Israel gathered in the displaced village of Kabri to...
Between April 20-24, Humanity Crew will hold several events to raise awareness...
The Arab community remembers Land Day amidst the state’s continued...
Al-Midan Theater in Haifa announced a general strike on Friday night in an...
Two hundred demonstrators gathered outside of the Knesset to protest the...
Netanyahu’s Planning and Construction bill, also known as the Kaminitz bill,...
5,000 protestors, both Arab and Jewish citizens, demonstrated in Tel Aviv...
Following home demolitions in Qalansawa and Umm al-Hiran, the Arab community...
Clashes broke out in Umm al-Hiran as the village was forcibly evacuated this...
Eleven homes were destroyed in Qalansawa, an Arab city in the Central District...
Israel lags behind OECD countries in education, largely due to discriminatory...
Fires broke out across Israel on 22 November 2016, ravaging neighborhoods in...