18 Arrested at Demonstration in Nazareth Against the War on Gaza - Mossawa Center

18 Arrested at Demonstration in Nazareth Against the War on Gaza

The Mossawa Center, Haifa. Tuesday 22nd of July 2014. On Monday, July 21st, the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab citizens of Israel called for a general strike in Israel in conjunction with the West Bank, in response to the escalation of violence in Gaza, as well as a mass demonstration in Nazareth also organized by the Follow-Up Committee. These actions were a move to publicly mourn the increasing death toll in Gaza and voice opposition to the IDF military operation.  Since the commencement of the military operation 14 days ago, 508 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and 3130 have been wounded. Over 60 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were killed in the residential neighborhood of Shuja'iya this past Sunday, as a result of the IDF ground offensive.  In response to the strike Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for a boycott of all Arab businesses in Israel who participated in the strike.

Over three thousand people participated in the demonstration in Nazareth, in solidarity with Gaza and in opposition to the Israeli government's military campaign. The demonstrators represented a wide and diverse cross-section of society, ranging from young children, families, youth and the elderly. There was a sea of Palestinian flags and many of the demonstrators carried photos of children and families who have lost their lives in Gaza. The majority of the protesters marched peacefully without confrontation with the police or counter-protestors. 18 protestors were arrested for stone throwing during a clash of about 200 of the protestors with the police on the main road in Nazareth. The police used stun grenades and water cannons against the demonstrators as they attempted to block traffic. 

Arab MKs and their staffers were later refused entrance to the police headquarters to visit those who had been arrested in the protest. Upon the attempted visit, MKs Mohammad Barakeh and Afo Ighbaria were beaten by police, as well as having also been beaten at a protest on Friday. The police arrested Barakeh's two sons, the parliamentary assistants of MK Afo Ighbaria and Sharif Zoabi of the Nazareth City Council. Following this event, there has been a heavy police presence in front of the Nazareth court and they are not allowing anyone under 45 enter.


The Mossawa Center calls on citizens, politicians and institutions to act to stop this brutal war on Gaza as well as the incitement against Arab citizens. It is leading only to escalation in violence and clashes between citizens throughout the country 

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