The Mossawa Center has raised alarm over the severe lack of infrastructure in...
Mossawa Center filed a petition against the Ministry of Education to obtain...
The Mossawa Center, a leading advocacy organization for Arab citizens of...
The Israeli government is persecuting its Palestinian Arab citizens in order...
The Mossawa Center recently concluded its highly successful youth legal...
The Mossawa Center is thrilled to announce the commencement of its highly...
A significant portion of the budget earmarked for improving welfare services...
The National Labor Court has overturned the Regional Labor Court's decision...
Full disclosure of information is demanded through Mossawa's petition against...
Following the multicultural and national conference, the Mossawa Center held a...
The Palestinian-Arab community is experiencing difficult conditions due to the...
The Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel, is...
As part of its legal training program, the Mossawa Center, in collaboration...
Arab female members of local authorities established a network to provide...
Criticism of the media's role in promoting national, cultural, and...
More than 36 Contributions from Researchers and Activists On Friday, May 3,...
The "Higher Education Institutions and Universities" session at the Conference...
As part of the Cultural and National Diversity Conference held in Haifa on May...
A government that recognizes the national rights of the Jewish majority and...
The panel on the opportunities provided by women's spaces was opened by Suha...