Haifa 29/10/13 ---- On Friday, November 7th, 2014, the Mossawa Center will host a study day on Palestinian culture in Israel entitled "Our culture: About It and From It". The conference is being organized by the Mossawa Center in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and hosted by the municipality of Tira. Cultural experts and professionals spanning all artistic fields will be participating. The event will take place in Tira an Arab locality in the triangle area of the country. This area suffers from a lack of cultural activities and institutions available to the public. It has also, in recent years, faced an increase in violence and criminal activities.
Opening remarks will be given by Mr. Jafar Farah, Director of Mossawa; Dr. Werner Puschra, Director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Maumoon Abdul Hay, Mayor of Tira and Ikhlas Kashua, Director of the Community Center in Tira. The keynote address given by Mr. Salman Natour will address culture and moral values. Mr. Natour will be followed by three panel discussions entitled; "Challenges for the cultural movement in our society"; "Funding Opportunities for Palestinian Culture" and "Culture in the face of violence." The study day will conclude with the screening of the film, "Stereo Palestine" produced by Rashid Mashrawi
Ms. Areen Abdi, Mossawa's Culture Rights Project Coordinator stated, "Strengthening culture in this region is an important tool in facing the crisis in this region."
Mossawa's Director Mr. Jafar Farah said, "Mossawa calls on government and municipal institutions to increase their investment in cultural activities, especially those targeting youth the population most affected by the increase in criminal activity in the region. We want to reach out to the youth and give them the chance to experience the music and literature of their culture."
The conference will further the mission of Mossawa to enhance the capacities of Palestinian culture organizations and provide a necessary space for reflection and community engagement on the most important issues facing Palestinian culture organizations today. The Mossawa Center expects the conference to stimulate and activate the Palestinian Arab community, as well as the larger Israeli society and international community, to take further steps towards the protection of Palestinian culture rights in the country and to support engaging youth with their cultural heritage. This study day is part of a project supported by the European Union and is open to the general public and all members of civil and political society are encouraged to join us. In order to participate, please contact the Mossawa Center before November 3rd.