The Mossawa Center- the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel announces the opening of the 2015 Palestinian Culture Month, in cooperation with institutions and cultural centers throughout the Arab community.
This is the fourth year in which The Mossawa Center is coordinating this full month of cultural events. March was chosen carefully, as it holds dates of significance both locally and internationally, beginning with International Women's Day, National Day of Palestinian Culture, World Storytelling Day, Mother's Day, the commencement of the Spring season, and Palestinian Land Day- all of which contain national, humanitarian, and cultural elements.
The wide-range of activities and events held throughout the month will take place in towns, villages, and cities across the country. The content of the events is derived from humanitarian, national, and individual concerns, along with a striving for peace, equality, justice, and respect for one's self as well as for others.
The author Salman Natour, Project Director of Palestinian Cultural Rights at The Mossawa Center, stated "In light of the violence and culture discrimination that the community faces it's important to strengthen cultural institutions, but given that the election campaign fell this year on our annual Palestinian Culture Month, the relationship between the political and the cultural becomes of highest importance. We invite our cultural institutes to employ the election campaign for the development of dialogue with political parties to strengthen and enhance the status of culture in their programs,".
Speaking about the important activities and events of the month, Areen Abde Zoabi, the coordinator of this project at The Mossawa Center, said "This year, Acre will host an important symposium which will confer the question of political and cultural confluence under a fierce election campaign, Haifa will host the Palestinian Film Festival initiated by the Midan Theater and Zochrot Organization, and various plays, film screenings, exhibitions, storytelling, poetry readings, and seminars will take place in Jaffa, Tira, Qalansawa, A`ara, A`ara`ara, Taybeh, Jeser el Zarka, Acre, Nazareth, Fassouta, I`billin, Nahef, Majd el Kroum, KufrYaseef, Shefaa`mer and other villages and cities."
Jafar Farah, Director of The Mossawa Center, announced that "the continual revival of the Palestinian Culture Month for the fourth consecutive year is a clear indication of the desire of our people to advance in cultural life and the ability to produce a culture worthy of this community,".
This program was implemented in cooperation between The Mossawa Center, Al Mashghal, Forum of Cultural Institutions, and Alrowad. Supported by the European Union, Arab local councils, and Local culture organizations.