Mossawa hosted meeting between European officials and Arab Civil Society - مركز مساواة لحقوق المواطنين العرب في اسرائيل

Mossawa hosted meeting between European officials and Arab Civil Society

Christian Berger, the Director of Middle East North Africa in the European External Action Service met this week with representatives of Arab civil society during his visit to the region. Mr. Berger with and EU Ambassador to Israel Mr. Lars Faaborg-Andersen and Mr. Martin Akylv from the Israel desk of the EEAS met with the Mossawa Center director Jafar Farah, former MK Dr. Hana Swaid- ACAP, the acting director of Adalah, attorney Suhad Bishara and director of humanitarian aid organization Humanity Crew, attorney Maria Jamal at the offices of the Mossawa Center in Haifa.

Mr. Berger came to Israel to lead the European delegation’s political dialogue between the EU and Israel. During the meeting with Arab organizations various issues that concern Arab society in Israel were discussed including; economic development, the state budget, planning policy, unrecognized villages, racism, legislation, illegalization of political and social Arab organizations and the Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

Mr. Berger and Mr. Andersen listened to issues raised by the participants; some of these issues will be raised in the political dialogue between the EU and Israel.

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