As part of the program to enhance identity and belonging among the young...
the Israeli Ministry of Justice informed the family of the martyr Muhammad...
The Mossawa Center strongly condemns and opposes the Israeli military's...
The economic development conference highlighted the potential of Palestinian -...
the role of Arab local authorities in ensuring sustainable economic growth in...
Industrial Zones and Transportation budgets have been the hotspot of the main...
Yogev Jardos: “Only 1% of Arabs are in the first decile in the country”.
“Where's the rest of the proposed budget? We have been promised six billion...
The Mossawa Center is pleased to report that the annual Know Your Rights youth...
On August 5th, the Mossawa Center, in cooperation with the Forum against...
On July 21st, The Mossawa Center hosted the Socio-Economic Development...
A number of senior officials in the economic sector and Palestinian Arab local...
In a roundtable discussion about US public opinion held at the Mossawa Center...
The Ministry of Justice approved the request of attorney Marian Abi Nader, a...
Executive Director of the Mossawa Center, Suha Salman-Mousa, along with...
Over the weekend, Wasim Nasser, coordinator of international advocacy at the...
The Mossawa Center condemns the deliberate exclusion of Palestinian Arab...
Last week, participants of the Mahal-li project gathered in the city of...
“A kid that threw an onion at police gets tried in court, but the killer of...
The Mossawa Center hosted the Haifa Solidarity Conference on the evening of...